Saturday, November 17, 2007

I will be holding a past life regression seminar at the burlington public library on new st. on december 4th at 7.30pm.

The topics of discussion will range from the genetic origin of ancestral knowledge to the meta-physical ideas of re-incarnation.

We will explore anthropological research into the activity of shamans of tribal cultures and thier dialog with the ancients.

We will discuss the metaphorical "map as reality" concept of consciousness, and how this applies to re-incarnation.

We will visit modern spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga and creative visualisation and hypnosis in our search for meaning and contact with guides and guidance.

This will be a lively interactive experience where i encourage questions and participation, with the idea that we will explore the experiences of those who feel comfortable touching a "past life".

There is no charge for admission, and i look forward to seeing you there.

if you have questions, feel free to call 905 630 0666

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